Membership for NHRR runs from 1st April until 31st March. Membership fees are set at the AGM in March. 2020-2021 fees are:
If you are a new member, joining after October 1, new members half yearly fees are:
2020 covid membership covid update:
- Full membership: £38.00 (+£1.50 if paying online)
- 2nd Claim (no UKA) £23.00 (+£1 if paying online)
- Job-seeker or student: £25.00 (+£1 if paying online)
- Retired (state pension age): £25.00 (+£1 if paying online)
- Honorary Life Member : (Granted by the club): no charge
- Social member (no UKA) (eligible to attend all club events but not to run for the club): £23.00 (+£1 if paying online)
If you are a new member, joining after October 1, new members half yearly fees are:
- Full membership: £26.50 (+£1 if paying online)
- 2nd Claim (no UKA) £11.50 (+£1 if paying online)
- Job-seeker or student: £20.00 (+£1 if paying online)
- Retired (state pension age): £20.00 (+£1 if paying online)
- Honorary Life Member : (Granted by the club): no charge
- Social member (no UKA) (eligible to attend all club events but not to run for the club): £11.50 (+£1 if paying online)
2020 covid membership covid update:
- The membership year stays as it is: 1 April to 30 March
- Members who can afford to, should renew as normal
- Members can apply for membership on the unemployed rate
- Members who wish to, will be able to delay their renewal. Please contact the Membership Secretary to confirm.
- If members are really struggling and do not feel they can afford to renew, but want to remain as members, please speak to the Membership Secretary (or Welfare Team) in confidence. No-one else will be made aware of this. The Committee has established a hardship fund which can be used to cover members' fees (including the England Athletics registration fee) in these unfortunate circumstances
2020 / 2021 North Herts Road Runners Membership Form
(To be completed by all members, new or renewing)